Patagonia, Kamchatka and his life – Video blogger Marko Roth interviewed

Marko Roth Patagonien

Marko Roth im Interview22 years old photographer, travel blogger and always looking for the most remarkable places in the world. This is Marko Roth, one of the most successful German travel video bloggers. Recently we shared his new video on our Facebook page and today we get the chance to interview him here on wavesnbackpack. He will give you some handy tips how to take the best travel pictures and shares some exciting stories. Get inspired!


We are really glad that you found some time for our short interview to give our readers a quick glance into your life, your job and your travels. Your photos and videos are going viral on every social media channel and you and your team fascinate people with impressive videos. Just last week you have been on one of the biggest German magazines the “Spiegel”.

Which character trait, would you say, is your most important one in retrospect?

Clearly, it is persistence! You need to try, to try and try once again. Reach out to companies if you think it makes sense, follow-up and stay persistent. In our case we sent out 50 emails in one day, received six responses and five of them have been declines but one company actually accepted us and we could start traveling again.

Your are carrying your camera with you constantly. Can you think of a moment where you have been very fortunate that you had it with you?

Oh yes, there are many special moments, but one I will certainly never forget! We were in Bhutan on a mountain road amid of a crest. Passing by with our car we spotted a monk in his frock. His red frock flattered in the wind and just behind him the steep abyss. This moment was one of the most majestic moments I have ever seen. In this moment I was lucky enough that I carried my camera and shot one of the best images of my life so far. Here, absolutely nothing was staged and the setting was just perfect and I was so happy that I had my camera with me. Sometimes I am also happy to not have a camera in my hand but simply enjoying the moment.

Monk Bhutan
Credits: Marko Roth

Is there a country where you always wanted to travel to but you never made it? Is there a place where you want to go really badly?

That’s Kamchatka, a peninsula in North-Asia. Here you can go heli skiing on volcanos and during summertime you can cross the country with a 4×4 passing by volcanos and other impressive landscapes. Kamchatka is really really far aways from everything, which makes it a very expensive trip but an unforgettable experience for sure. Let’s see if I can make that dream reality.

How does a typical Marko Roth day looks like?

There is no typical Marko Roth day and I am very happy and proud about it. When I need to stay in the office from 9 to 5 I get crazy. Sometimes in the past it needed to be done but after two weeks it was more than enough. I am way more productive when I am answering emails in the train or the hotel lobby for an hour or two. Here I am more concentrated and have rather fun than work. For the future I want it to be as it is right now.

Your latest video shows Patagonia. Not the most usual travel destination. How did you come up with this idea and what impressed you most?

Patagonia was my Kamchatka so to speak. It always has been a dream for me. It is a playground for photographers and cinematographer. Here you see a shipwreck in the middle of a city with impressive mountain formations in the background, flamingos passing by and locals that complete a surreal picture. Despite all that, on our trip, we focused on having a good time among us. This trip was really special as we financed the trip and shooting the video ourselves. The video shows the people we have met and captures the great time we have had, which gives it a unique vibe.

Together. from Marko Roth on Vimeo.

Now a final tip to our readers. What’s essential for shooting good travel photos and videos?

The most important aspect here is simplicity. Do not carry too much equipment around. You need to be fast and too much equipment with a handful of lenses makes you slow. As well as that you should not plan your shots. Talk to locals and see what happens. I shot the best pictures with this approach in the past.

Thanks so much for your time answering our questions, Marko! We wish you all the best, success with your work and safe travels at all time! Keep the work up! This way to his Instagram profile and his Facebook-Page.

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